Spring 2019

I started my trip back to the East coast in March. I stopped in Needles, CA for about a week, waiting for the weather to get better, for the trip over the mountains. The pictures of the stone monuments were taken on route 66 in Needles.

I stopped for a couple of days near the Petrified Forest. I was there a couple of years ago. This time I saw a lot more of the surrounding area. The landscape is amazing.

I made another stop at El Morro National Monument in New Mexico. Beautiful place.

Next, I stopped at Little Rock, Arkansas. I went to the Clinton Presidential Center. And took some pictures along the Arkansas River.

I stayed at an RV park in Crossville, Tennessee for a few weeks. I needed to time my arrival in New England, so that I didn't get there in the snow. I'm considering spending a few months at this site next winter. I'm not planning to go all the way back West next winter. It's a beautiful area, as you'll see in the pictures.


Petrified Forest

El Morro National Monument

Arkansas River walk

Crossville, Tennessee
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