Fall 2019 (final entry)

This is the last entry of my travel log. It has been an interesting six years. The trip has gone though a few stages. The type of lifestyle I initially expected, didn't really happen. I thought I would live on the road, going from campsite to campsite constantly -- changing sites every few days, stopping for supplies along the way. I didn't start the journey that way, but I thought that things would evolve, after a little prep-time, into that lifestyle.

I spent some "prep" time in my sister's driveway in California. I cycled through a few weeks in the driveway and a few weeks on the road, chalking up quite a few trips. Of course the trips are chronicled in this log.

That stage lasted a little over a year. Toward the end of that stage, I realized that the original plan of constant on-the-road lifestyle wasn't going to work for me. Mainly because having no transportation other than the RV, made it really hard to keep my supplies stocked. Also, it wasn't always easy to find a place to stay on short notice. So I bought a scooter, and started staying for longer periods at RV parks. That worked out very well for further exploration of California, Utah, and Arizona.

At the end of the second year of my travels, I setout across the country. And for the next four years, I did it again. Nine times across the country in all. I took my time, driving four to six hours a day. Lots of stops. Lots of site seeing.

Then I got tired of so much driving, and decided to stick to the east coast, where I have more family.

My home base on the east coast was Vermont, so I was planning on going south for the winter. As that first winter approached, I just wasn't looking forward to it. Through out my travels up to that point, I had never gone more than a few weeks without being with friends and family, and the prospect of going a few months alone was not so appealing to me.

So I made a major change.

I bought a house in Vermont, near two sisters and my Mom. Plus I have two brothers in New Hampshire, and another brother in Kentucky.

My property is three acres. A good size lawn area, and a couple of acres of woods. On the other side of the woods, is a large pond.

My new neighborhood (broadly speaking)

My new property

Index    Epilog.